Reverse Advent
During Advent, we would like to continue to support those less fortunate than us in our community, especially during the cost of living crisis.
At St David's School we are going to be having a reverse Advent calendar in each class, so instead of receiving a gift we will take it in turns to donate an item each day to help others.
At the end of Advent, the reverse Advent calendar will result in a collection of goods that can be shared with those in need in time for Christmas. As a school we are going to share these goods with various groups in our community. We will let you know further details once they have been confirmed.
Your child’s teacher will let you know what we would like your child to donate and on what day, if possible. However please don’t worry if this is difficult for you as we will ensure all children are involved.
Let’s put our faith into action this Advent.
Many thanks for your continued support.
God Bless,
Mrs Tasker- RE Lead.