Occasionally your child may need to take medicine. You are welcome to come to school and administer the correct dose but school staff cannot administer medicines or tablets. Please do not send your child to school with medicine or tablets as children are not permitted to administer their own medicine.
If your child is asthmatic, you will need to complete a form so that we can keep accurate records. Children will be supervised during their use but staff will not administer inhalers. KS2 children should take responsibility for their inhalers.
Children are encouraged to manage their asthma and may use their inhalers whenever there is a need.
Every effort is made to keep all our children and staff safe. If an accident does occur, we have members of staff who are qualified in First Aid. If your child needs treatment other than which we can provide at school, we will notify you immediately. It is therefore extremely important that emergency contact numbers are kept up to date.