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Our school Eisteddfod takes place across a week, where we celebrate all things Cymraeg!! 

During the week, classes move around in a carousel, taking part in a lot of different welsh activities. 

Over the years, in Years 3-6, the activities have taken the form of - Welsh Dancing, Welsh Art, Welsh ICT project and Welsh Poetry. The children thoroughly enjoy this week! 

Eisteddfod Ceremony

During our Eisteddfod celebrations, prizes are given for a variety of activities: Handwriting, Poetry, Welsh ICT project and a piece of welsh artwork. During the last Eisteddfod, each class prepared and performed a welsh song! 


Each year, our Year 6 class write poetry on a given theme. They all choose a pen name, so we do not know who they are! Mrs Woodward then takes them to read and chooses a winner! The winning poems are then placed in the corridor outside Mrs Robinson's office!