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What do I do if my child is late to school?

The school recognises the importance of a prompt start to each day so that children are in school ready to begin their lessons.

In order to achieve this children are received into the school at 8.45am so that they have time to say goodbye to parents, hang up their coats, etc. Children are then received into classes for registration at 8.55am. 

Parents must bring children to the school office to sign them in if they arrive late using the electronic system. 

Attendance / Punctuality is a standard item on the agenda for staff meetings and  teachers and/or school support staff highlight the names of children whose absence is of concern and or who arrive late

Our EWO offers support by meeting and greeting the late arrivals and stresses the importance of good punctuality. Following verbal discussion, parents of children who are late arriving at school on a regular basis are contacted by letter and informed that the situation is being closely monitored.


Attendance 24/01/25

YR 95.33%

Y1 96.67%

Y2 97.00%

Y3 96.25%

Y4 97.19% - This Week's Winners!

Y5 87.74%

Y6 97.00%