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Welsh for Parents

Why is Welsh so important?

We often hear how giving children the opportunity to learn Welsh at an early age provides them with an appetite for learning as adults, and as we know this in turn provides them with an additional tool for their working life. The Welsh Government also has a vision of increasing the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050, and as part of this work are supporting a number of work programmes to ensure both adults and children have opportunities to learn Welsh and to be offered a truly bilingual community and country.

How can I support my child?

You can practice these words with your child. 



Rise and shine

Amser deffro

Let’s go out 

Awn ni allan 

Let’s go to the plark

Awn ni i’r barc. 

Go and brush your teeth

Ewch i brwsio dy ddannedd.

Enjoy your food 

Mwynha dy fwyd.

Wear your shoes 

Gwisga dy sgidia. 

Take off your shoes. 

Tynna dy sgidia bant. 



Listen to your Mum 

Gwrando ar dy Fam. 

Listen to your Dad. 

Gwrando ar dy Dad. 

How was school? 

Sut oedd yr ysgol? 

What is this? 

Beth ydy hwn? 



Cyw is S4C’s range of programmes, apps, live shows etc. for children. You can fi nd Cyw (chick) and friends across a range of platforms, all for free.


Watch Cyw programmes with your child every morning on S4C, including Patrol Pawennau (Paw Patrol), Bing, Deian a Loli, Peppa (Peppa Pig) and other favorites in Welsh.

Children don’t have to speak Welsh to enjoy cartoons in Welsh!

Download S4C Clic or go to to watch Cyw programmes at any time

Fun and educational apps for small children

These handy apps will help you along the way

Cyw apps Search for ‘Cyw S4C’

Cyw apps are designed for small children to use and feature Cyw and friends.

Magi Ann apps Search for ‘Magi Ann’

Have fun learning to read with the award winning Magi Ann stories. See and hear the stories in English and in Welsh.

Selog apps Search for ‘Selog’

Listen to songs and stories in Welsh. you can find accompanying

Alun yr Arth (Alun the Bear) books in Newport’s libraries

Welsh language resources to buy:


Mudiad Meithrin

Mudiad Meithrin supports young children in Wales to access early years services and experiences through the medium of Welsh.


01970 639639

Cymraeg for Kids

A national scheme that supports parents to use the Welsh language with their children by choosing Welsh medium childcare and education. The scheme is managed by Mudiad Meithrin.

Local free support groups for parents: baby massage, baby yoga, Welsh Storytime sessions and monthly family events that are an additional opportunity to socialise through the medium of Welsh.


01970 639639

Facebook Cymraeg i Blant Mynwy


Welsh Government Cymraeg

Website with information on a range of Welsh language matters and a portal to other sites – events finder, app of the week, Welsh for Adults courses and much more.


Cymraeg i Oedolion@Coleg Gwent

People have different reasons for wanting to learn Welsh – to support children in Welsh medium education, perhaps, or to widen job choices. A range of Welsh courses are held across Gwent. Please contact us for more information.

01495 333710


Yr Urdd

The Urdd is a youth organisation which offers opportunities and events to all the young people of Wales (up to the age of 25). It is a lively organisation which is a part of the life of children who attend Welsh medium education, through sports, music, the Eisteddfod, residential centres and youth groups.


01495 752589