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Prayer Life

Prayer life

Prayer life is a most important aspect of daily life at our school. Our children are given every opportunity to pray and to be involved in many forms of worship.

Class Prayers

Each class has different prayers that they learn throughout the school year. As they progress through the school, they develop a bank of prayers that they use in school and in the church. Prayers are said every day and for different purposes. We have morning prayers, lunchtime prayers and prayers at the end of the day. Each class has a prayer table and a prayer book, to encourage spontaneous prayer throughout the day.

Class Collective Worship

At the end of each topic in RE, the children plan, prepare and undertake class collective worship. For this, the children work in groups to plan the different stages of the worship and think of different ways we can pray to God. For some collective worships, parents and visitors are invited to see the worship and be part of the worship, which is always very special.

Collective Worship Assembly

This worship is whole school and is led by one of the teachers in our school. The children are invited to listen to the Word and think about and discuss how they can share the good news of God. Lots of different pictures, videos, music and songs are used to make each experience of the assembly different.

Family Mass

Once a month, two classes join together and plan a Family Mass. These masses take place at St David's Church, just next door to our school and our led by our parish priest. The children prepare the Altar front for the mass, and undertake important jobs, such as church collection and the offertory. All children and their families are invited to join us at Family Mass, as well as the parish community. These are always very special and church is usually very full!

Mini Vinnies - SVP

(Society of St Vincent De Paul)

Our school is now part of the St Vincent De Paul Mini Vinnies. 

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Today the SVP England & Wales is pleased to highlight its continuing strong links with young people, through the development of its new 'Mini Vinnies' programme - a ground-breaking Primary Schools initiative, based on good work done in Australia, piloted in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, and which is seen as having, "the potential to significantly contribute to the future of our Society."

'Mini Vinnies' are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of their Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible 'Vincentians for life'.  

As Mini Vinnies, the youngsters have their own 'treasured' Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps - helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians - or 'Mini Vinnies'.