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St David's RC Primary is clear and focused in its aspirations for the school’s curriculum with RE and Gospel values being led by our Mission and Vision statements. We offer an exciting curriculum which inspires all of our children and staff to achieve their full potential. We foster and encourage children to be highly motivated, have a thirst for knowledge, a love of learning and most importantly to have confidence in themselves and in what they can achieve.

We are committed to ensuring all our children have the opportunity to develop the skills and range as outlined in the Welsh Government’s Foundation Phase and National Curriculum, the Literacy and Numeracy Framework and the Digital Competence Framework. During this exciting time, we are exploring and preparing for the implementation of the 'New Curriculum for Wales 2022'.

The New Curriculum includes four purposes of the curriculum in Wales which should develop children as:

  • Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives

  • Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work

  • Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world

  • Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

Involving pupils in planning is a key element of the ‘Learning Culture’ which is established throughout the school. Each year group holds immersion afternoons where the children are exploring and collaborating within the new Areas of Learning Experiences (AoLEs). The pupils are then involved in initiating the learning and suggest ideas for the context of their learning. 

The principles of our curriculum and organisation of the school day ensure that the requirements of the Foundation Phase and Curriculum 2008 are satisfied, and that all children receive a broad and balanced education.

Pupils will be taught in a variety of settings through a range of teaching strategies – whole class, small group, pairs, individual, etc.